In case you already have a account because you have previously entered any UniTrento application, be informed that you can't register again: you have to RETRIEVE your old username and password.
List of the application forms available at the moment:
Master in Agrifood Innovation Management - for EU citizens and non-EU citizens living in Italy – a.y. 2024/25
Deadline Mon 30 Sep 2024 12:00 (Italian time)
To access the UniTrento online procedure, identify yourself using the proper credentials: if you are italian, 18 years or older you can only access with your SPID identity or CIE (electronic ID card):
In case you already have a account because you have previously entered any UniTrento application, be informed that you can't register again.
If you have forgotten your password and/or your provisional guest username kindly use "Retrieve" button.
Are you under 18? Register a "guest" type account
Foreigner or without Italian document (Tax Code and ID card)? Register a "guest" type account
Already have an UniTrento account? Use it to login
Can't remember your username or password? Retrieve them
Read the data processing disclosure. Do you need help? Consult the UniTrento ServiceDesk portal